Cat of Nine Lives: Ignore Dr. Kyalo Muli at your Own Risk

I have not met any Kamba politician as resilient, aggressive and consistent as Dr Augustus Kyalo Muli. As a matter of fact, Kyalo’s perseverance matches if not surpasses that of the desert rose.

I vividly recall when exactly two years ago a totally unknown politician, barely known for his mega business achievements, entered the scene in Kitui and started campaigning for Wiper and later declared his interest to contest Kitui County Assembly Speaker seat.

I remember clearly how political brokers surrounded him and started immediately eating off the “Dubai millionaire”, as they later came to nickname him.

The MCAs at that time had a phrase “let’s finish him and send him back to Dubai”. And ‘eat’ him they did, it was open season, and Kyalo Muli was really generous… But somehow, they unfortunately never succeeded to send him back to Dubai, something that still makes some walk face down whenever they meet with their former benefactor.

If anything, Kyalo Muli seemed to have emerged from that episode more energized and definitely more informed.

And since then, the now National Anzauni Clan Patron has surprised each and every critic and analyst.

He immediately formed his Kyalo Kya Maendeeo initiative and started what has turned out with time to be the best women enterprise in Kitui.

Using his network of friends and associates, Dr. Kyalo has trained women in modern basket weaving techniques and facilitated production of hundreds of baskets which have found lucrative markets in Europe and the Middle East.

Dr. Augustus Kyalo Muli also went ahead to become the party leader National Liberal Party, adding another feather to his hat, after being crowned the Anzauni Clan national patron. ORPP: National Liberal Party

Being a man who never runs out of ideas, Dr.Kyalo has organized the Wathi Festival in August this year,bringing together all the 22 clans in Ukambani. He has already donated 1 million shillings to cater for the prizes and is optimistic of another 10 million from friends and associates for the event.

The Akamba Cultural Festival (Wathi) used to be a uniting factor for the entire ethnic community during the precolonial times, but the practice was phased out by modernization and the advance of western religion. It’s return brings with it both the uniqueness and the nobility of the Kamba Culture.

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