Technology and IT Updates

Update Android apps automatically
by Declan Kyalo

To automatically update apps on your Android device:

1. Open the Google Play Store app .
2. Tap Menu # Settings.
3. Tap Auto-update apps.
4. Select an option:
¶ Auto update apps at any time to update apps using either Wi-Fi or mobile data.
¶ Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only to update apps only when connected to Wi-Fi.
Note: If an account on your device has a sign-in error, apps may not update automatically.

Update individual Android apps automatically

To set up updates for individual apps on your device:

1. Open the Google Play Store app .
2. Tap Menu My apps & games.
3. Select the app you want to update.
4. Tap More .
5. Check the box next to “Auto-update.”
6. The app will update automatically when updates are available. To turn off automatic updates, uncheck the box.

Update Android apps manually

To update apps individually or in bulk using the Google Play Store app on your mobile device:

1. Open the Google Play Store app .
2. Tap Menu My apps & games.
3. Apps with an update available are labeled “Update.”
4. Tap Update All to update all apps. 5. For individual apps, find the specific app you want to update and tap Update.
Note: Some apps require new permissions when they are updated. You may see a notification asking if you accept the new permissions.

Tip: In some cases, you may need to restart your device to update an app.

Meet the Kitui Newspaper’s youngest Writer:
Declan Kyalo, a 16-year old form three student in Katheka Boys’ High School, Kitui West!

Declan is a tech-wiz, and besides classwork,spends most of his free time experimenting on technology innovations. His other hobbies are photography and ridding. The Kitui Newspaper editorial board believes in discovering and nurturing young talents; and we are proud to award a free collumn to this young writer. Any youth out there who feel they have a potential yet to be noticed can forward their articles, a brief personal profile, and contacts to or ;with the Subject of the email clearly stated: YOUNG WRITER.
Any article that the editorial board finds fit for publication will be given consideration. This is a transparent and open chance.

Brian Peter
The Chief Editor
Kitui Newspaper

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