Machakos Governor Launches 1 Week of CASA games in Machakos County


Yestderday, Machakos Governor Dr Alfred Mutua opened officially the 5th edition of the KICOSCA/CASA, 2017 games at the Kenyatta Stadium, Machakos County. The event was graced by more than 23 governors. These CASA games bring together many teams across the country

The governor thanked the KICOSCA/CASA Committee for choosing Machakos County as the venue for this year’s games and wished all participants the best in the week long competitions.

Together with his fellow Governors who were present during the Opening ceremony, they called for peace and tolerance following the ruling of the Supreme Court to uphold H.E Uhuru Kenyatta’s win.

The governors pledged to initiate dialogue amongst themselves in order to unite Kenyans and move Kenya forward. They committed to work together to fight tribal politics because no Kenyan should die because of politics.

“Kenya remains our home, and we must make a conscious decision to build it and not destroy it”, said the Machakos Governor.

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